Potts Auction Company has been in the real estate and auction business
for over 50 years at the same location in Rock Spring, Georgia. See our company information
to learn more about us.
Upcoming Auctions
<% if @auctions.size < 1 %>
There are currently no auctions scheduled. Please <%= link_to 'contact us', :controller => 'about', :action => 'contact' %> for additional information about upcoming auctions.
<% else %>
<% for auction in @auctions %>
- <%= link_to auction.name, auction_path(auction) %>
<% if auction.auction_items.size > 0 %>
<% if auction.auction_items.first.images.size > 0 %>

<% end %>
<% end %>
- <%=h my_datetime(auction.datetime) %>
<% if auction.id == 27 -%>
<% end %>
<%=h truncate(auction.description, 120) %>
<% if auction.id == 27 -%>

<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>