#:stopdoc: class Hash def to_query_string(include_question_mark = true) query_string = '' unless empty? query_string << '?' if include_question_mark query_string << inject([]) do |params, (key, value)| params << "#{key}=#{value}" end.join('&') end query_string end def to_normalized_options # Convert all option names to downcased strings, and replace underscores with hyphens inject({}) do |normalized_options, (name, value)| normalized_options[name.to_header] = value.to_s normalized_options end end def to_normalized_options! replace(to_normalized_options) end end class String def previous! self[-1] -= 1 self end def previous dup.previous! end def to_header downcase.tr('_', '-') end # ActiveSupport adds an underscore method to String so let's just use that one if # we find that the method is already defined def underscore gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_").downcase end unless public_method_defined? :underscore def utf8? scan(/[^\x00-\xa0]/u) { |s| s.unpack('U') } true rescue ArgumentError false end # All paths in in S3 have to be valid unicode so this takes care of # cleaning up any strings that aren't valid utf-8 according to String#utf8? def remove_extended! gsub!(/[\x80-\xFF]/) { "%02X" % $&[0] } end def remove_extended dup.remove_extended! end end class CoercibleString < String class << self def coerce(string) new(string).coerce end end def coerce case self when 'true': true when 'false': false # Don't coerce numbers that start with zero when /^[1-9]+\d*$/: Integer(self) when datetime_format: Time.parse(self) else self end end private # Lame hack since Date._parse is so accepting. S3 dates are of the form: '2006-10-29T23:14:47.000Z' # so unless the string looks like that, don't even try, otherwise it might convert an object's # key from something like '03 1-2-3-Apple-Tree.mp3' to Sat Feb 03 00:00:00 CST 2001. def datetime_format /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\w\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/ end end class Symbol def to_header to_s.to_header end end module Kernel def __method__(depth = 0) caller[depth][/`([^']+)'/, 1] end #if RUBY_VERSION < '1.8.7' def memoize(reload = false, storage = nil) storage = "@#{storage || __method__(1)}" if reload instance_variable_set(storage, nil) else if cache = instance_variable_get(storage) return cache end end instance_variable_set(storage, yield) end def require_library_or_gem(library) require library rescue LoadError => library_not_installed begin require 'rubygems' require library rescue LoadError raise library_not_installed end end end class Object def returning(value) yield(value) value end end class Module def memoized(method_name) original_method = "unmemoized_#{method_name}_#{Time.now.to_i}" alias_method original_method, method_name module_eval(<<-EVAL, __FILE__, __LINE__) def #{method_name}(reload = false, *args, &block) memoize(reload) do send(:#{original_method}, *args, &block) end end EVAL end def constant(name, value) unless const_defined?(name) const_set(name, value) module_eval(<<-EVAL, __FILE__, __LINE__) def self.#{name.to_s.downcase} #{name.to_s} end EVAL end end # Transforms MarcelBucket into # # class MarcelBucket < AWS::S3::Bucket # set_current_bucket_to 'marcel' # end def const_missing_from_s3_library(sym) if sym.to_s =~ /^(\w+)(Bucket|S3Object)$/ const = const_set(sym, Class.new(AWS::S3.const_get($2))) const.current_bucket = $1.underscore const else const_missing_not_from_s3_library(sym) end end alias_method :const_missing_not_from_s3_library, :const_missing alias_method :const_missing, :const_missing_from_s3_library end class Class # :nodoc: def cattr_reader(*syms) syms.flatten.each do |sym| class_eval(<<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__) unless defined? @@#{sym} @@#{sym} = nil end def self.#{sym} @@#{sym} end def #{sym} @@#{sym} end EOS end end def cattr_writer(*syms) syms.flatten.each do |sym| class_eval(<<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__) unless defined? @@#{sym} @@#{sym} = nil end def self.#{sym}=(obj) @@#{sym} = obj end def #{sym}=(obj) @@#{sym} = obj end EOS end end def cattr_accessor(*syms) cattr_reader(*syms) cattr_writer(*syms) end end if Class.instance_methods(false).grep(/^cattr_(?:reader|writer|accessor)$/).empty? module SelectiveAttributeProxy def self.included(klass) klass.extend(ClassMethods) klass.class_eval(<<-EVAL, __FILE__, __LINE__) cattr_accessor :attribute_proxy cattr_accessor :attribute_proxy_options # Default name for attribute storage self.attribute_proxy = :attributes self.attribute_proxy_options = {:exclusively => true} private # By default proxy all attributes def proxiable_attribute?(name) return true unless self.class.attribute_proxy_options[:exclusively] send(self.class.attribute_proxy).has_key?(name) end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) # Autovivify attribute storage if method == self.class.attribute_proxy ivar = "@\#{method}" instance_variable_set(ivar, {}) unless instance_variable_get(ivar).is_a?(Hash) instance_variable_get(ivar) # Delegate to attribute storage elsif method.to_s =~ /^(\\w+)(=?)$/ && proxiable_attribute?($1) attributes_hash_name = self.class.attribute_proxy $2.empty? ? send(attributes_hash_name)[$1] : send(attributes_hash_name)[$1] = args.first else super end end EVAL end module ClassMethods def proxy_to(attribute_name, options = {}) if attribute_name.is_a?(Hash) options = attribute_name else self.attribute_proxy = attribute_name end self.attribute_proxy_options = options end end end # When streaming data up, Net::HTTPGenericRequest hard codes a chunk size of 1k. For large files this # is an unfortunately low chunk size, so here we make it use a much larger default size and move it into a method # so that the implementation of send_request_with_body_stream doesn't need to be changed to change the chunk size (at least not anymore # than I've already had to...). module Net class HTTPGenericRequest def send_request_with_body_stream(sock, ver, path, f) raise ArgumentError, "Content-Length not given and Transfer-Encoding is not `chunked'" unless content_length() or chunked? unless content_type() warn 'net/http: warning: Content-Type did not set; using application/x-www-form-urlencoded' if $VERBOSE set_content_type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' end write_header sock, ver, path if chunked? while s = f.read(chunk_size) sock.write(sprintf("%x\r\n", s.length) << s << "\r\n") end sock.write "0\r\n\r\n" else while s = f.read(chunk_size) sock.write s end end end def chunk_size 1048576 # 1 megabyte end end # Net::HTTP before 1.8.4 doesn't have the use_ssl? method or the Delete request type class HTTP def use_ssl? @use_ssl end unless public_method_defined? :use_ssl? class Delete < HTTPRequest METHOD = 'DELETE' REQUEST_HAS_BODY = false RESPONSE_HAS_BODY = true end unless const_defined? :Delete end end class XmlGenerator < String #:nodoc: attr_reader :xml def initialize @xml = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:indent => 2, :target => self) super() build end end #:startdoc: