require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper' class RemoteS3ObjectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup establish_real_connection end def teardown disconnect! end def test_object key = 'testing_s3objects' value = 'testing' content_type = 'text/plain' unauthenticated_url = ['http:/', Base.connection.http.address, TEST_BUCKET, key].join('/') # Create an object response = nil assert_nothing_raised do response = S3Object.create(key, value, TEST_BUCKET, :access => :public_read, :content_type => content_type) end # Check response assert response.success? # Extract the object's etag etag = nil assert_nothing_raised do etag = response.etag end assert etag # Confirm we can't create an object unless the bucket is set assert_raises(NoBucketSpecified) do object = object.key = 'hello' end # Fetch newly created object to show it was actually created object = nil assert_nothing_raised do object = S3Object.find(key, TEST_BUCKET) end assert object # Confirm it has the right etag assert_equal etag, object.etag # Check if its owner is properly set assert_nothing_raised do object.owner.display_name end # Confirm we can get the object's key assert_equal key, object.key # Confirm its value was properly set assert_equal value, object.value assert_equal value, S3Object.value(key, TEST_BUCKET) streamed_value = '' assert_nothing_raised do, TEST_BUCKET) do |segment| streamed_value << segment end end assert_equal value, streamed_value # Change its value new_value = "" assert_nothing_raised do object.value = new_value end assert_equal new_value, object.value # Confirm content type was properly set assert_equal content_type, object.content_type # Change its content type new_content_type = 'text/javascript' assert_nothing_raised do object.content_type = new_content_type end assert_equal new_content_type, object.content_type # Test that it is publicly readable response = fetch_object_at(unauthenticated_url) assert (200..299).include?(response.code.to_i) # Confirm that it has no meta data assert object.metadata.empty? # Set some meta data metadata_key = :secret_sauce metadata_value = "it's a secret" object.metadata[metadata_key] = metadata_value # Persist all changes assert_nothing_raised do end # Refetch the object key = object.key object = nil assert_nothing_raised do object = S3Object.find(key, TEST_BUCKET) end # Confirm all changes were persisted assert object assert_equal key, object.key assert_equal new_content_type, object.content_type assert_equal new_value, object.value assert_equal new_value, object.value(:reload) assert !object.metadata.empty? assert_equal metadata_value, object.metadata[metadata_key] # Change acl assert_nothing_raised do S3Object.create(object.key, object.value, TEST_BUCKET, :access => :private, :content_type => object.content_type) end # Confirm object is no longer publicly readable response = fetch_object_at(unauthenticated_url) assert (400..499).include?(response.code.to_i) # Confirm object is accessible from its authenticated url response = fetch_object_at(object.url) assert (200..299).include?(response.code.to_i) # Copy the object assert_nothing_raised do object.copy('testing_s3objects-copy') end # Confirm the object is identical copy = nil assert_nothing_raised do copy = S3Object.find('testing_s3objects-copy', TEST_BUCKET) end assert copy assert_equal object.value, copy.value assert_equal object.content_type, copy.content_type # Delete object assert_nothing_raised do object.delete end # Confirm we can rename objects renamed_to = copy.key + '-renamed' renamed_value = copy.value assert_nothing_raised do S3Object.rename(copy.key, renamed_to, TEST_BUCKET) end # Confirm renamed copy exists renamed = nil assert_nothing_raised do renamed = S3Object.find(renamed_to, TEST_BUCKET) end assert renamed assert_equal renamed_value, renamed.value # Confirm copy is deleted assert_raises(NoSuchKey) do S3Object.find(copy.key, TEST_BUCKET) end # Confirm that you can not store an object once it is deleted assert_raises(DeletedObject) do end assert_raises(NoSuchKey) do S3Object.find(key, TEST_BUCKET) end # Confirm we can pass in an IO stream and have the uploading sent in chunks response = nil test_file_key = File.basename(TEST_FILE) assert_nothing_raised do response =, open(TEST_FILE), TEST_BUCKET) end assert response.success? assert_equal File.size(TEST_FILE), Integer(S3Object.about(test_file_key, TEST_BUCKET)['content-length']) result = nil assert_nothing_raised do result = S3Object.delete(test_file_key, TEST_BUCKET) end assert result end def test_content_type_inference # Confirm appropriate content type is inferred when not specified content_type_objects = {'foo.jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'no-extension-specified' => 'binary/octet-stream', 'foo.txt' => 'text/plain'} content_type_objects.each_key do |key|, 'fake data', TEST_BUCKET) # No content type explicitly set end content_type_objects.each do |key, content_type| assert_equal content_type, S3Object.about(key, TEST_BUCKET)['content-type'] end # Confirm we can update the content type assert_nothing_raised do object = S3Object.find('no-extension-specified', TEST_BUCKET) object.content_type = 'application/pdf' end assert_equal 'application/pdf', S3Object.about('no-extension-specified', TEST_BUCKET)['content-type'] ensure # Get rid of objects we just created content_type_objects.each_key {|key| S3Object.delete(key, TEST_BUCKET) } end def test_body_can_be_more_than_just_string_or_io require 'stringio' key = 'testing-body-as-string-io' io ='hello there'), io, TEST_BUCKET) assert_equal 'hello there', S3Object.value(key, TEST_BUCKET) ensure S3Object.delete(key, TEST_BUCKET) end def test_fetching_information_about_an_object_that_does_not_exist_raises_no_such_key assert_raises(NoSuchKey) do S3Object.about('asdfasdfasdfas-this-does-not-exist', TEST_BUCKET) end end # Regression test for def test_finding_an_object_with_slashes_in_its_name_does_not_escape_the_slash'rails/1', 'value does not matter', TEST_BUCKET)'rails/1.html', 'value does not matter', TEST_BUCKET) object = nil assert_nothing_raised do object = S3Object.find('rails/1.html', TEST_BUCKET) end assert_equal 'rails/1.html', object.key ensure %w(rails/1 rails/1.html).each {|key| S3Object.delete(key, TEST_BUCKET)} end def test_finding_an_object_with_spaces_in_its_name assert_nothing_raised do'name with spaces', 'value does not matter', TEST_BUCKET) end object = nil assert_nothing_raised do object = S3Object.find('name with spaces', TEST_BUCKET) end assert object assert_equal 'name with spaces', object.key # Confirm authenticated url is generated correctly despite space in file name response = fetch_object_at(object.url) assert (200..299).include?(response.code.to_i) ensure S3Object.delete('name with spaces', TEST_BUCKET) end def test_copying_an_object_should_copy_over_its_acl_also_if_requested key = 'copied-objects-inherit-acl' copy_key = key + '2', 'value does not matter', TEST_BUCKET) original_object = S3Object.find(key, TEST_BUCKET) original_object.acl.grants << ACL::Grant.grant(:public_read) original_object.acl.grants << ACL::Grant.grant(:public_read_acp) S3Object.acl(key, TEST_BUCKET, original_object.acl) acl = S3Object.acl(key, TEST_BUCKET) assert_equal 3, acl.grants.size S3Object.copy(key, copy_key, TEST_BUCKET, :copy_acl => true) copied_object = S3Object.find(copy_key, TEST_BUCKET) assert_equal acl.grants, copied_object.acl.grants ensure S3Object.delete(key, TEST_BUCKET) S3Object.delete(copy_key, TEST_BUCKET) end def test_handling_a_path_that_is_not_valid_utf8 key = "318597/620065/GTL_75\" assert_nothing_raised do, 'value does not matter', TEST_BUCKET) end object = nil assert_nothing_raised do object = S3Object.find(key, TEST_BUCKET) end assert object url = nil assert_nothing_raised do url = S3Object.url_for(key, TEST_BUCKET) end assert url assert_equal object.value, fetch_object_at(url).body ensure assert_nothing_raised do S3Object.delete(key, TEST_BUCKET) end end private def fetch_object_at(url) Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)) end end