== 1.1.0 2007-08-10
Initial release.

== 1.2.0 2007-09-12

* r1718, todd, 2007-09-12 15:34:37
  * # 458, Extensive documentation review, rework, and expansion.  Also added 
    coverage analysis to the test suite using RCov.

* r1690, todd, 2007-09-07 15:23:11
  * # 447, Add support.rb to manifest

* r1688, todd, 2007-09-07 13:57:39
  * # 447, Use Active Support if available, but don't require it.  Load our own
    extensions if it's not present.  This keeps us from overloading ActiveSupport if
    a user's already using it.

* r1687, todd, 2007-09-07 11:36:43
  * # 447, Removed dependency on activesupport

* r1676, konstantin, 2007-09-06 01:27:09
  * paid AMIs, small fix

* r1667, konstantin, 2007-09-05 12:58:10
  * # 427, paid AMI support for ec2_instances

* r1658, konstantin, 2007-09-05 01:02:25
  * params improvements for ec2.describe_xxx, now ones can use a String as well as an Array.

* r1653, konstantin, 2007-09-04 12:31:19
  * libxml and paid AMI support added

* r1581, tve, 2007-08-24 16:21:45
  * Improved RightAws documentation

== 1.3.0 2007-09-26

* r1754, todd, 2007-09-19 13:48:34
  * # 487, # 488, Consolidate a lot of code that was repeated in three places.
    Fix error handling path when using streaming GET interfaces with S3.
    Also add a stub for RightHttpConnection which allows more control over the
    unit tests.  Expand the unit tests and coverage tests. 

* r1755, todd, 2007-09-19 14:29:19
  * # 487, RDoc fixes after code consolidation

* r1866, konstantin, 2007-10-05 06:17:36
  * # 220, close connection on HTTP 5xx/4xx errors

== 1.4.0 2007-10-10

* r1868, konstantin, 2007-10-05 06:38:37
  * # 220, inst_type branch merge into 1.3.0 release

* r1869, konstantin, 2007-10-05 07:32:34
  * right_http_connection 1.1.1 requirements fixed

* r1879, konstantin, 2007-10-07 02:11:24
  * # 524, blocks added to ec2_describe_xxx to support aws_cache

* r1924, konstantin, 2007-10-12 11:35:06
  * # 536, user_data bug fix 

* r1929, tve,  2007-10-15 00:00:11
  * Fix libxml/rexml selection bug

* r1938, konstantin, 2007-10-16 10:53:56
  * instance type support is set to default 

== 1.4.3 2007-10-25

* r1983, konstantin, 2007-10-25 22:33:00 +0400
  * Fixed ActiveSupport requirement bug (thanks to Toby)
  * Fixed HttpConnection logging to stdout bug (thanks to Toby)

== 1.4.4

* r1999, tve, 2007-11-01 00:07:00 -0700
  * Fixed escaping issue affecting key names in S3 gem
  * Fixed duplicate marker in S3 incremental bucket listing

* r2001, konstantin, 2007-11-01 12:03:13  +0300
  * Fixed multiple permissions assignment on Grantee#grant/revoke
  * Fixed new grantee permissions set ingnore (Grantee#apply)
  * S3::Grantee#exists? method added 

* r2109, konstantin, 2007-11-12 21:49:36  +0300
  * RightAwsBaseInterface: caching implemented.
    (The Ec2 functions are being cached: describe_images, describe_instances, 
    describe_security_groups and describe_key_pairs)

== 1.4.5 - 1.4.6
* r 2619, konstantin, 01-17-08 16:18:36  +0300
  * S3 Location constraints support added.
  * Fixed bug with trailing '/' in the bucket name for 'EU' located buckets
  * Added: S3Interface#bucket_location, S3::Bucket#location

== 1.4.7
* r 2622, konstantin, 01-18-08 13:52:20  +0300
  * Virtual domains doc added
  * S3 Query API fixed to support virtual domains.

== 1.4.8
* r 2650, konstantin, 01-24-08 11:12:00  +0300
  * net_fix.rb moved to right_http_connection

== 1.5.0
* r 2688, konstantin, 02-30-08 15:42:00  +0300
  * SDB support added.
  * RightAws::S3::bucket and RightAws::S3::Bucket.create methods behaviour 
    changed: param +create+ is set to +false+ by default.

== 1.6.0

* r2780, todd, 2008-02-11 11:41:07 -0800 (Mon, 11 Feb 2008), 4 lines
  * Some doc updates & tweaks: we now support ultra-large PUTs to S3, small SDB
    cleanups, add SDB to the list of interfaces in RightAws, update some copyrights,
    warn about loading attachment_fu AFTER right_aws (big no-no).

* r2784, todd, 2008-02-11 13:46:47 -0800 (Mon, 11 Feb 2008), 2 lines
  * One final clarification: you may get a Net::HTTP bad monkey patch exception

* r2880, todd, 2008-02-25 18:06:22 -0800 (Mon, 25 Feb 2008), 2 lines
  * Add SQS 'Gen 2' interface implementation

* r2913, todd, 2008-02-29 16:57:07 -0800 (Fri, 29 Feb 2008), 3 lines
  * SqsGen2 (object interface), unit tests for both interfaces, documentation updates.

* r2922, todd, 2008-03-03 15:26:42 -0800 (Mon, 03 Mar 2008), 2 lines
  * couple of documentation tweaks in prep for 1.6.0

== 1.6.1

* r2963, todd, 2008-03-06 19:10:23 -0800 (Thu, 06 Mar 2008), 3 lines
  * (#950) Many minor fixes in incrementally_list_bucket to prevent a death loop
    in certain rare conditions

== 1.7.0

* r3051, konstantin, 2008-03-14 21:26:12 +0300 (Fri, 14 Mar 2008), 1 line
  * #897, ActiveSdb alpha release

== 1.7.1

  Do not autoload right_sdb with the rest of the modules; it requires uuidtools.
    We want the user to explicly request ActiveSdb, at least as long as it is

  Fix escaping problem in SqsGen2Interface: POST bodies did not properly escape the '&' character

== 1.7.2

  Release Notes:
  RightAws includes some new features, including:
  - Support in RightAws::S3 and RightAws::S3Interface for S3 key copy, move, and rename
  - Support for signature version 0 request authentication to EC2, SQS, and SDB
  - Enhanced S3 object meta-header read and update
  - Interoperability with clouds running Eucalyptus (http://eucalyptus.cs.ucsb.edu)
    [ Contributed by the Eucalyptus group ]
  - Support for c1.medium and c1.xlarge instance types

  Bug fixes include:
  - Corrected the failure, under certain conditions, of retries of streaming PUTs to S3.
    We now reset the seek pointer of the streaming IO object to its initial position.
  - Removal of an accidental dependency on ActiveSupport in RightAws::S3Interface.get_link().
  - Monkey-patch of the Ruby File class on Windows platforms to correct a problem in lstat.
    The lstat bug was causing failure of very large file uploads on Windows [ Contributed by Benjamin Allfree ] 
  - Fixed parsing of the ETag field for S3 objects

== 1.7.3

  Release Notes:

  - Removed the 1.7.2 monkey-patch of the Ruby File class on Windows.  This patch broke Rails 2.0.
    The patch is now included in the README for anyone to use at their own risk.
== 1.8.0

  Release Notes:

  This release adds major new features to RightAws to support Amazon's new
  Elastic Block Store (EBS).  Via the RightAws::Ec2 module, users can create
  and delete EBS volumes, attach and detach them from instances, snapshot
  volumes, and list the available volumes and snapshots.

  Bug fixes include correction of RightAws::S3 copy's failure to url-encode
the source key.
== 1.8.1

  Release Notes:

  RightScale::SdbInterface & ::ActiveSdb have several enhancements, including:
  - RightAws::SdbInterface#last_query_expression added for debug puposes
  - RightAws::ActiveSdb::Base#query :order and :auto_load options added to support query
    result sorting and attributes auto loading
  - RightAws::ActiveSdb::Base#find_all_by_ and find_by_ helpers improved to support
    :order, :auto_load, :limit and :next_token options
  - RightAws::SdbInterface#delete_attributes bug fixed 
  - SdbInterface allows specification of a string value to use for
    representing Ruby nil in SDB.
  - Sdb tests fixed and improved

  The ::S3 interface now has support for S3's server access logging.
  Amazon considers server access logging to be a beta or provisional feature.

=== 1.9.0

  Release Notes:
  - RightAws::Ec2 now supports Windows instances. Added:
   - Ec2::get_initial_password
   - Ec2::bundle_instance
   - Ec2::describe_bundle_tasks
   - Ec::cancel_bundle_task

  - Full Amazon CloudFront support added with RightAws::AcfInterface
  - Bug fixes to S3Interface::store_object_and_verify and 
    S3Interface::retrieve_object_and_verify (thanks to numerous user reports)
  - Updates to caching for Ec2::describe_images_by methods
  - Ec2 now has Ec2::last_request_id

=== 1.10.0

  Release Notes:

  The big new features are SDB's SQL-like query and query_with_attributes
  support as well as signature v2 support for all services.  There are also
  numerous bug fixes, many of them reported and patched by users and

  - AwsBase: signature v2 support added
  - AwsBase: fix the regex matching for xmlpath which didn't work in Ruby
    1.8.7 (thanks to a customer report)
  - Ec2: describe_availability_zones improved to support regions
  - Ec2: Disabled retries when EC2 returns "ServiceUnavailable: Request limit
  - Ec2: Use POST for large queries; this avoids truncation of large user data
    when launching instances (thanks to Bob for the report)
  - CloudFront: docs fixes
  - SDB: added: SQL-like query, select and query_with_attributes support
  - SDB: fixed no method error when searching for id that doesn't exist
    (thanks to multiple users for reporting this)
  - S3: Fixed overzealous URL-encoding when generating URLs for S3 keys
    (thanks to a bug report on the RubyForge forum)