<% content_for("page_scripts") do -%> function edit_item(id) { Element.toggle('image_' + id + '_show','image_' + id + '_edit'); Field.focus('image_' + id + '_title'); } function item_loading(id) { $('submit_' + id).disabled = true; Element.show('indicator_' + id); } function update_item(id) { $('submit_' + id).disabled = false; Element.hide('indicator_' + id); new Effect.Highlight('image_' + id) } <% end -%>

Items for <%=h @auction_item.auction.name %>

<%= link_to 'Back to auction information page', admin_auction_path(@auction_item.auction) %>

<%= @auction_item.description %>


<% if @auction_item.images.empty? %>

There are currently no items associated with this auction. Add an image.

<% else %> <% for image in @auction_item.images %>
<%= render(:partial => 'shared/image', :object => image) %>
<% end %>
<%= sortable_element("images", :url => { :controller => 'images', :action => 'update_positions' }, :tag => 'div', :overlap => 'horizontal', :contraint => 'false') %> Add Image <% end %>