!!! %html{html_attrs} %head %title Georgia Car Auctions, Georgia Land Auctions, Tennessee Land Auctions, Corvettes, Muscle Cars | Potts Auction Company %meta{"http-equiv"=>"Content-type", :content=>"text/html; charset=utf-8"}/ %meta{:name => "description", :content => "Potts Auction Company has been in the real estate and auction business for over 50 years."} %meta{:name => "keywords", :content => "auction, auctions, real estate, vintage cars, vintage automobiles, classic cars, collector cars, land auction, farm auction, rock spring, rock springs, georgia, ga"} = stylesheet_link_tag 'potts' = stylesheet_link_tag 'potts-print', :media => 'print' = javascript_include_tag 'application' %body #container #header %h1 %a{:href => '/'} Potts Auction Company #content #sidebar = render 'shared/sidebar' #page = yield = render 'shared/footer' = render 'shared/analytics'