# # Copyright (c) 2007-2008 RightScale Inc # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Test module RightAws require 'md5' require 'pp' class AwsUtils #:nodoc: @@digest1 = OpenSSL::Digest::Digest.new("sha1") @@digest256 = nil if OpenSSL::OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER > 0x00908000 @@digest256 = OpenSSL::Digest::Digest.new("sha256") rescue nil # Some installation may not support sha256 end def self.sign(aws_secret_access_key, auth_string) Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(@@digest1, aws_secret_access_key, auth_string)).strip end # Escape a string accordingly Amazon rulles # http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonSimpleDB/2007-11-07/DeveloperGuide/index.html?REST_RESTAuth.html def self.amz_escape(param) param.to_s.gsub(/([^a-zA-Z0-9._~-]+)/n) do '%' + $1.unpack('H2' * $1.size).join('%').upcase end end # Set a timestamp and a signature version def self.fix_service_params(service_hash, signature) service_hash["Timestamp"] ||= Time.now.utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z") unless service_hash["Expires"] service_hash["SignatureVersion"] = signature service_hash end # Signature Version 0 # A deprecated guy (should work till septemper 2009) def self.sign_request_v0(aws_secret_access_key, service_hash) fix_service_params(service_hash, '0') string_to_sign = "#{service_hash['Action']}#{service_hash['Timestamp'] || service_hash['Expires']}" service_hash['Signature'] = AwsUtils::sign(aws_secret_access_key, string_to_sign) service_hash.to_a.collect{|key,val| "#{amz_escape(key)}=#{amz_escape(val.to_s)}" }.join("&") end # Signature Version 1 # Another deprecated guy (should work till septemper 2009) def self.sign_request_v1(aws_secret_access_key, service_hash) fix_service_params(service_hash, '1') string_to_sign = service_hash.sort{|a,b| (a[0].to_s.downcase)<=>(b[0].to_s.downcase)}.to_s service_hash['Signature'] = AwsUtils::sign(aws_secret_access_key, string_to_sign) service_hash.to_a.collect{|key,val| "#{amz_escape(key)}=#{amz_escape(val.to_s)}" }.join("&") end # Signature Version 2 # EC2, SQS and SDB requests must be signed by this guy. # See: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonSimpleDB/2007-11-07/DeveloperGuide/index.html?REST_RESTAuth.html # http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=1928 def self.sign_request_v2(aws_secret_access_key, service_hash, http_verb, host, uri) fix_service_params(service_hash, '2') # select a signing method (make an old openssl working with sha1) # make 'HmacSHA256' to be a default one service_hash['SignatureMethod'] = 'HmacSHA256' unless ['HmacSHA256', 'HmacSHA1'].include?(service_hash['SignatureMethod']) service_hash['SignatureMethod'] = 'HmacSHA1' unless @@digest256 # select a digest digest = (service_hash['SignatureMethod'] == 'HmacSHA256' ? @@digest256 : @@digest1) # form string to sign canonical_string = service_hash.keys.sort.map do |key| "#{amz_escape(key)}=#{amz_escape(service_hash[key])}" end.join('&') string_to_sign = "#{http_verb.to_s.upcase}\n#{host.downcase}\n#{uri}\n#{canonical_string}" # sign the string signature = amz_escape(Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, aws_secret_access_key, string_to_sign)).strip) "#{canonical_string}&Signature=#{signature}" end # From Amazon's SQS Dev Guide, a brief description of how to escape: # "URL encode the computed signature and other query parameters as specified in # RFC1738, section 2.2. In addition, because the + character is interpreted as a blank space # by Sun Java classes that perform URL decoding, make sure to encode the + character # although it is not required by RFC1738." # Avoid using CGI::escape to escape URIs. # CGI::escape will escape characters in the protocol, host, and port # sections of the URI. Only target chars in the query # string should be escaped. def self.URLencode(raw) e = URI.escape(raw) e.gsub(/\+/, "%2b") end def self.allow_only(allowed_keys, params) bogus_args = [] params.keys.each {|p| bogus_args.push(p) unless allowed_keys.include?(p) } raise AwsError.new("The following arguments were given but are not legal for the function call #{caller_method}: #{bogus_args.inspect}") if bogus_args.length > 0 end def self.mandatory_arguments(required_args, params) rargs = required_args.dup params.keys.each {|p| rargs.delete(p)} raise AwsError.new("The following mandatory arguments were not provided to #{caller_method}: #{rargs.inspect}") if rargs.length > 0 end def self.caller_method caller[1]=~/`(.*?)'/ $1 end end class AwsBenchmarkingBlock #:nodoc: attr_accessor :xml, :service def initialize # Benchmark::Tms instance for service (Ec2, S3, or SQS) access benchmarking. @service = Benchmark::Tms.new() # Benchmark::Tms instance for XML parsing benchmarking. @xml = Benchmark::Tms.new() end end class AwsNoChange < RuntimeError end class RightAwsBase # Amazon HTTP Error handling # Text, if found in an error message returned by AWS, indicates that this may be a transient # error. Transient errors are automatically retried with exponential back-off. AMAZON_PROBLEMS = [ 'internal service error', 'is currently unavailable', 'no response from', 'Please try again', 'InternalError', 'ServiceUnavailable', #from SQS docs 'Unavailable', 'This application is not currently available', 'InsufficientInstanceCapacity' ] @@amazon_problems = AMAZON_PROBLEMS # Returns a list of Amazon service responses which are known to be transient problems. # We have to re-request if we get any of them, because the problem will probably disappear. # By default this method returns the same value as the AMAZON_PROBLEMS const. def self.amazon_problems @@amazon_problems end # Sets the list of Amazon side problems. Use in conjunction with the # getter to append problems. def self.amazon_problems=(problems_list) @@amazon_problems = problems_list end end module RightAwsBaseInterface DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_VERSION = '2' @@caching = false def self.caching @@caching end def self.caching=(caching) @@caching = caching end # Current aws_access_key_id attr_reader :aws_access_key_id # Last HTTP request object attr_reader :last_request # Last HTTP response object attr_reader :last_response # Last AWS errors list (used by AWSErrorHandler) attr_accessor :last_errors # Last AWS request id (used by AWSErrorHandler) attr_accessor :last_request_id # Logger object attr_accessor :logger # Initial params hash attr_accessor :params # RightHttpConnection instance attr_reader :connection # Cache attr_reader :cache # Signature version (all services except s3) attr_reader :signature_version def init(service_info, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, params={}) #:nodoc: @params = params raise AwsError.new("AWS access keys are required to operate on #{service_info[:name]}") \ if aws_access_key_id.blank? || aws_secret_access_key.blank? @aws_access_key_id = aws_access_key_id @aws_secret_access_key = aws_secret_access_key # if the endpoint was explicitly defined - then use it if @params[:endpoint_url] @params[:server] = URI.parse(@params[:endpoint_url]).host @params[:port] = URI.parse(@params[:endpoint_url]).port @params[:service] = URI.parse(@params[:endpoint_url]).path @params[:protocol] = URI.parse(@params[:endpoint_url]).scheme @params[:region] = nil else @params[:server] ||= service_info[:default_host] @params[:server] = "#{@params[:region]}.#{@params[:server]}" if @params[:region] @params[:port] ||= service_info[:default_port] @params[:service] ||= service_info[:default_service] @params[:protocol] ||= service_info[:default_protocol] end @params[:multi_thread] ||= defined?(AWS_DAEMON) @logger = @params[:logger] @logger = RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER if !@logger && defined?(RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER) @logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) if !@logger @logger.info "New #{self.class.name} using #{@params[:multi_thread] ? 'multi' : 'single'}-threaded mode" @error_handler = nil @cache = {} @signature_version = (params[:signature_version] || DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_VERSION).to_s end def signed_service_params(aws_secret_access_key, service_hash, http_verb=nil, host=nil, service=nil ) case signature_version.to_s when '0' then AwsUtils::sign_request_v0(aws_secret_access_key, service_hash) when '1' then AwsUtils::sign_request_v1(aws_secret_access_key, service_hash) when '2' then AwsUtils::sign_request_v2(aws_secret_access_key, service_hash, http_verb, host, service) else raise AwsError.new("Unknown signature version (#{signature_version.to_s}) requested") end end # Returns +true+ if the describe_xxx responses are being cached def caching? @params.key?(:cache) ? @params[:cache] : @@caching end # Check if the aws function response hits the cache or not. # If the cache hits: # - raises an +AwsNoChange+ exception if +do_raise+ == +:raise+. # - returnes parsed response from the cache if it exists or +true+ otherwise. # If the cache miss or the caching is off then returns +false+. def cache_hits?(function, response, do_raise=:raise) result = false if caching? function = function.to_sym # get rid of requestId (this bad boy was added for API 2008-08-08+ and it is uniq for every response) response = response.sub(%r{<requestId>.+?</requestId>}, '') response_md5 = MD5.md5(response).to_s # check for changes unless @cache[function] && @cache[function][:response_md5] == response_md5 # well, the response is new, reset cache data update_cache(function, {:response_md5 => response_md5, :timestamp => Time.now, :hits => 0, :parsed => nil}) else # aha, cache hits, update the data and throw an exception if needed @cache[function][:hits] += 1 if do_raise == :raise raise(AwsNoChange, "Cache hit: #{function} response has not changed since "+ "#{@cache[function][:timestamp].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}, "+ "hits: #{@cache[function][:hits]}.") else result = @cache[function][:parsed] || true end end end result end def update_cache(function, hash) (@cache[function.to_sym] ||= {}).merge!(hash) if caching? end def on_exception(options={:raise=>true, :log=>true}) # :nodoc: raise if $!.is_a?(AwsNoChange) AwsError::on_aws_exception(self, options) end # Return +true+ if this instance works in multi_thread mode and +false+ otherwise. def multi_thread @params[:multi_thread] end def request_info_impl(connection, benchblock, request, parser, &block) #:nodoc: @connection = connection @last_request = request[:request] @last_response = nil response=nil blockexception = nil if(block != nil) # TRB 9/17/07 Careful - because we are passing in blocks, we get a situation where # an exception may get thrown in the block body (which is high-level # code either here or in the application) but gets caught in the # low-level code of HttpConnection. The solution is not to let any # exception escape the block that we pass to HttpConnection::request. # Exceptions can originate from code directly in the block, or from user # code called in the other block which is passed to response.read_body. benchblock.service.add! do responsehdr = @connection.request(request) do |response| ######### begin @last_response = response if response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) @error_handler = nil response.read_body(&block) else @error_handler = AWSErrorHandler.new(self, parser, :errors_list => self.class.amazon_problems) unless @error_handler check_result = @error_handler.check(request) if check_result @error_handler = nil return check_result end raise AwsError.new(@last_errors, @last_response.code, @last_request_id) end rescue Exception => e blockexception = e end end ######### #OK, now we are out of the block passed to the lower level if(blockexception) raise blockexception end benchblock.xml.add! do parser.parse(responsehdr) end return parser.result end else benchblock.service.add!{ response = @connection.request(request) } # check response for errors... @last_response = response if response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) @error_handler = nil benchblock.xml.add! { parser.parse(response) } return parser.result else @error_handler = AWSErrorHandler.new(self, parser, :errors_list => self.class.amazon_problems) unless @error_handler check_result = @error_handler.check(request) if check_result @error_handler = nil return check_result end raise AwsError.new(@last_errors, @last_response.code, @last_request_id) end end rescue @error_handler = nil raise end def request_cache_or_info(method, link, parser_class, benchblock, use_cache=true) #:nodoc: # We do not want to break the logic of parsing hence will use a dummy parser to process all the standard # steps (errors checking etc). The dummy parser does nothig - just returns back the params it received. # If the caching is enabled and hit then throw AwsNoChange. # P.S. caching works for the whole images list only! (when the list param is blank) # check cache response, params = request_info(link, RightDummyParser.new) cache_hits?(method.to_sym, response.body) if use_cache parser = parser_class.new(:logger => @logger) benchblock.xml.add!{ parser.parse(response, params) } result = block_given? ? yield(parser) : parser.result # update parsed data update_cache(method.to_sym, :parsed => result) if use_cache result end # Returns Amazons request ID for the latest request def last_request_id @last_response && @last_response.body.to_s[%r{<requestId>(.+?)</requestId>}] && $1 end end # Exception class to signal any Amazon errors. All errors occuring during calls to Amazon's # web services raise this type of error. # Attribute inherited by RuntimeError: # message - the text of the error, generally as returned by AWS in its XML response. class AwsError < RuntimeError # either an array of errors where each item is itself an array of [code, message]), # or an error string if the error was raised manually, as in <tt>AwsError.new('err_text')</tt> attr_reader :errors # Request id (if exists) attr_reader :request_id # Response HTTP error code attr_reader :http_code def initialize(errors=nil, http_code=nil, request_id=nil) @errors = errors @request_id = request_id @http_code = http_code super(@errors.is_a?(Array) ? @errors.map{|code, msg| "#{code}: #{msg}"}.join("; ") : @errors.to_s) end # Does any of the error messages include the regexp +pattern+? # Used to determine whether to retry request. def include?(pattern) if @errors.is_a?(Array) @errors.each{ |code, msg| return true if code =~ pattern } else return true if @errors_str =~ pattern end false end # Generic handler for AwsErrors. +aws+ is the RightAws::S3, RightAws::EC2, or RightAws::SQS # object that caused the exception (it must provide last_request and last_response). Supported # boolean options are: # * <tt>:log</tt> print a message into the log using aws.logger to access the Logger # * <tt>:puts</tt> do a "puts" of the error # * <tt>:raise</tt> re-raise the error after logging def self.on_aws_exception(aws, options={:raise=>true, :log=>true}) # Only log & notify if not user error if !options[:raise] || system_error?($!) error_text = "#{$!.inspect}\n#{$@}.join('\n')}" puts error_text if options[:puts] # Log the error if options[:log] request = aws.last_request ? aws.last_request.path : '-none-' response = aws.last_response ? "#{aws.last_response.code} -- #{aws.last_response.message} -- #{aws.last_response.body}" : '-none-' aws.logger.error error_text aws.logger.error "Request was: #{request}" aws.logger.error "Response was: #{response}" end end raise if options[:raise] # re-raise an exception return nil end # True if e is an AWS system error, i.e. something that is for sure not the caller's fault. # Used to force logging. def self.system_error?(e) !e.is_a?(self) || e.message =~ /InternalError|InsufficientInstanceCapacity|Unavailable/ end end class AWSErrorHandler # 0-100 (%) DEFAULT_CLOSE_ON_4XX_PROBABILITY = 10 @@reiteration_start_delay = 0.2 def self.reiteration_start_delay @@reiteration_start_delay end def self.reiteration_start_delay=(reiteration_start_delay) @@reiteration_start_delay = reiteration_start_delay end @@reiteration_time = 5 def self.reiteration_time @@reiteration_time end def self.reiteration_time=(reiteration_time) @@reiteration_time = reiteration_time end @@close_on_error = true def self.close_on_error @@close_on_error end def self.close_on_error=(close_on_error) @@close_on_error = close_on_error end @@close_on_4xx_probability = DEFAULT_CLOSE_ON_4XX_PROBABILITY def self.close_on_4xx_probability @@close_on_4xx_probability end def self.close_on_4xx_probability=(close_on_4xx_probability) @@close_on_4xx_probability = close_on_4xx_probability end # params: # :reiteration_time # :errors_list # :close_on_error = true | false # :close_on_4xx_probability = 1-100 def initialize(aws, parser, params={}) #:nodoc: @aws = aws # Link to RightEc2 | RightSqs | RightS3 instance @parser = parser # parser to parse Amazon response @started_at = Time.now @stop_at = @started_at + (params[:reiteration_time] || @@reiteration_time) @errors_list = params[:errors_list] || [] @reiteration_delay = @@reiteration_start_delay @retries = 0 # close current HTTP(S) connection on 5xx, errors from list and 4xx errors @close_on_error = params[:close_on_error].nil? ? @@close_on_error : params[:close_on_error] @close_on_4xx_probability = params[:close_on_4xx_probability] || @@close_on_4xx_probability end # Returns false if def check(request) #:nodoc: result = false error_found = false redirect_detected= false error_match = nil last_errors_text = '' response = @aws.last_response # log error request_text_data = "#{request[:server]}:#{request[:port]}#{request[:request].path}" # is this a redirect? # yes! if response.is_a?(Net::HTTPRedirection) redirect_detected = true else # no, it's an error ... @aws.logger.warn("##### #{@aws.class.name} returned an error: #{response.code} #{response.message}\n#{response.body} #####") @aws.logger.warn("##### #{@aws.class.name} request: #{request_text_data} ####") end # Check response body: if it is an Amazon XML document or not: if redirect_detected || (response.body && response.body[/<\?xml/]) # ... it is a xml document @aws.class.bench_xml.add! do error_parser = RightErrorResponseParser.new error_parser.parse(response) @aws.last_errors = error_parser.errors @aws.last_request_id = error_parser.requestID last_errors_text = @aws.last_errors.flatten.join("\n") # on redirect : if redirect_detected location = response['location'] # ... log information and ... @aws.logger.info("##### #{@aws.class.name} redirect requested: #{response.code} #{response.message} #####") @aws.logger.info("##### New location: #{location} #####") # ... fix the connection data request[:server] = URI.parse(location).host request[:protocol] = URI.parse(location).scheme request[:port] = URI.parse(location).port end end else # ... it is not a xml document(probably just a html page?) @aws.last_errors = [[response.code, "#{response.message} (#{request_text_data})"]] @aws.last_request_id = '-undefined-' last_errors_text = response.message end # now - check the error unless redirect_detected @errors_list.each do |error_to_find| if last_errors_text[/#{error_to_find}/i] error_found = true error_match = error_to_find @aws.logger.warn("##### Retry is needed, error pattern match: #{error_to_find} #####") break end end end # check the time has gone from the first error come if redirect_detected || error_found # Close the connection to the server and recreate a new one. # It may have a chance that one server is a semi-down and reconnection # will help us to connect to the other server if !redirect_detected && @close_on_error @aws.connection.finish "#{self.class.name}: error match to pattern '#{error_match}'" end if (Time.now < @stop_at) @retries += 1 unless redirect_detected @aws.logger.warn("##### Retry ##{@retries} is being performed. Sleeping for #{@reiteration_delay} sec. Whole time: #{Time.now-@started_at} sec ####") sleep @reiteration_delay @reiteration_delay *= 2 # Always make sure that the fp is set to point to the beginning(?) # of the File/IO. TODO: it assumes that offset is 0, which is bad. if(request[:request].body_stream && request[:request].body_stream.respond_to?(:pos)) begin request[:request].body_stream.pos = 0 rescue Exception => e @logger.warn("Retry may fail due to unable to reset the file pointer" + " -- #{self.class.name} : #{e.inspect}") end end else @aws.logger.info("##### Retry ##{@retries} is being performed due to a redirect. ####") end result = @aws.request_info(request, @parser) else @aws.logger.warn("##### Ooops, time is over... ####") end # aha, this is unhandled error: elsif @close_on_error # Is this a 5xx error ? if @aws.last_response.code.to_s[/^5\d\d$/] @aws.connection.finish "#{self.class.name}: code: #{@aws.last_response.code}: '#{@aws.last_response.message}'" # Is this a 4xx error ? elsif @aws.last_response.code.to_s[/^4\d\d$/] && @close_on_4xx_probability > rand(100) @aws.connection.finish "#{self.class.name}: code: #{@aws.last_response.code}: '#{@aws.last_response.message}', " + "probability: #{@close_on_4xx_probability}%" end end result end end #----------------------------------------------------------------- class RightSaxParserCallback #:nodoc: def self.include_callback include XML::SaxParser::Callbacks end def initialize(right_aws_parser) @right_aws_parser = right_aws_parser end def on_start_element(name, attr_hash) @right_aws_parser.tag_start(name, attr_hash) end def on_characters(chars) @right_aws_parser.text(chars) end def on_end_element(name) @right_aws_parser.tag_end(name) end def on_start_document; end def on_comment(msg); end def on_processing_instruction(target, data); end def on_cdata_block(cdata); end def on_end_document; end end class RightAWSParser #:nodoc: # default parsing library DEFAULT_XML_LIBRARY = 'rexml' # a list of supported parsers @@supported_xml_libs = [DEFAULT_XML_LIBRARY, 'libxml'] @@xml_lib = DEFAULT_XML_LIBRARY # xml library name: 'rexml' | 'libxml' def self.xml_lib @@xml_lib end def self.xml_lib=(new_lib_name) @@xml_lib = new_lib_name end attr_accessor :result attr_reader :xmlpath attr_accessor :xml_lib def initialize(params={}) @xmlpath = '' @result = false @text = '' @xml_lib = params[:xml_lib] || @@xml_lib @logger = params[:logger] reset end def tag_start(name, attributes) @text = '' tagstart(name, attributes) @xmlpath += @xmlpath.empty? ? name : "/#{name}" end def tag_end(name) if @xmlpath =~ /^(.*?)\/?#{name}$/ @xmlpath = $1 end tagend(name) end def text(text) @text += text tagtext(text) end # Parser method. # Params: # xml_text - xml message text(String) or Net:HTTPxxx instance (response) # params[:xml_lib] - library name: 'rexml' | 'libxml' def parse(xml_text, params={}) # Get response body xml_text = xml_text.body unless xml_text.is_a?(String) @xml_lib = params[:xml_lib] || @xml_lib # check that we had no problems with this library otherwise use default @xml_lib = DEFAULT_XML_LIBRARY unless @@supported_xml_libs.include?(@xml_lib) # load xml library if @xml_lib=='libxml' && !defined?(XML::SaxParser) begin require 'xml/libxml' # is it new ? - Setup SaxParserCallback if XML::Parser::VERSION >= '' RightSaxParserCallback.include_callback end rescue LoadError => e @@supported_xml_libs.delete(@xml_lib) @xml_lib = DEFAULT_XML_LIBRARY if @logger @logger.error e.inspect @logger.error e.backtrace @logger.info "Can not load 'libxml' library. '#{DEFAULT_XML_LIBRARY}' is used for parsing." end end end # Parse the xml text case @xml_lib when 'libxml' xml = XML::SaxParser.new xml.string = xml_text # check libxml-ruby version if XML::Parser::VERSION >= '' xml.callbacks = RightSaxParserCallback.new(self) else xml.on_start_element{|name, attr_hash| self.tag_start(name, attr_hash)} xml.on_characters{ |text| self.text(text)} xml.on_end_element{ |name| self.tag_end(name)} end xml.parse else REXML::Document.parse_stream(xml_text, self) end end # Parser must have a lots of methods # (see /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/parsers/streamparser.rb) # We dont need most of them in RightAWSParser and method_missing helps us # to skip their definition def method_missing(method, *params) # if the method is one of known - just skip it ... return if [:comment, :attlistdecl, :notationdecl, :elementdecl, :entitydecl, :cdata, :xmldecl, :attlistdecl, :instruction, :doctype].include?(method) # ... else - call super to raise an exception super(method, params) end # the functions to be overriden by children (if nessesery) def reset ; end def tagstart(name, attributes); end def tagend(name) ; end def tagtext(text) ; end end #----------------------------------------------------------------- # PARSERS: Errors #----------------------------------------------------------------- #<Error> # <Code>TemporaryRedirect</Code> # <Message>Please re-send this request to the specified temporary endpoint. Continue to use the original request endpoint for future requests.</Message> # <RequestId>FD8D5026D1C5ABA3</RequestId> # <Endpoint>bucket-for-k.s3-external-3.amazonaws.com</Endpoint> # <HostId>ItJy8xPFPli1fq/JR3DzQd3iDvFCRqi1LTRmunEdM1Uf6ZtW2r2kfGPWhRE1vtaU</HostId> # <Bucket>bucket-for-k</Bucket> #</Error> class RightErrorResponseParser < RightAWSParser #:nodoc: attr_accessor :errors # array of hashes: error/message attr_accessor :requestID # attr_accessor :endpoint, :host_id, :bucket def tagend(name) case name when 'RequestID' ; @requestID = @text when 'Code' ; @code = @text when 'Message' ; @message = @text # when 'Endpoint' ; @endpoint = @text # when 'HostId' ; @host_id = @text # when 'Bucket' ; @bucket = @text when 'Error' ; @errors << [ @code, @message ] end end def reset @errors = [] end end # Dummy parser - does nothing # Returns the original params back class RightDummyParser # :nodoc: attr_accessor :result def parse(response, params={}) @result = [response, params] end end class RightHttp2xxParser < RightAWSParser # :nodoc: def parse(response) @result = response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) end end end