
This is a simple plugin extracted from Mephisto for creating permalinks from attributes.

  class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_permalink :title

This will escape the title, making it fit to use in a URL in the after_validation callback.

Use PermalinkFu.escape to escape a string manually if you like.

If you're having issues with Iconv, you can manually tweak PermalinkFu.translation_to PermalinkFu.translation_from.
These are set to nil if Iconv is not loaded.  You can also manually set them to nil if you don't want to use iconv.

[Added 3.13.2008 by Pat Nakajima] You can now add conditions to #has_permalink like so:

	class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
	  has_permalink :title, :if => { |article| article.needs_permalink? }

Use the :if or :unless options to specify a Proc, method, or string to be called or evaluated. The permalink
will only be generated if the option evaluates to true.