= TinyMCE for Rails This plugin provides for the installation and utilization of TinyMCE in Ruby on Rails applications. TinyMCE is a WYSIWYG HTML editing component released under the GNU Public License 2.1 (GPL 2.1) by Moxiecode Systems (http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/). == Installation Installing TinyMCE for Rails takes no more than a few minutes to install. === Step 1 Open a console, and in the root of you Rails application, install the plugin by running one of the following (depending on the method you use to import plugins): * script/plugin install git://github.com/kete/tiny_mce.git * piston import git://github.com/kete/tiny_mce.git vendor/plugins/tiny_mce * git submodule add git://github.com/kete/tiny_mce.git vendor/plugins/tiny_mce * Download the latest files ( http://github.com/kete/tiny_mce/tarball/master ) and extract to vendor/plugins/tiny_mce === Step 2 Then install the necessary files into your public directory by running rake tiny_mce:install or, if you are updating a previously installed version rake tiny_mce:update === Step 3 Add the following to the controller of the page you want to add TinyMCE to. uses_tiny_mce Then append the following to the text area you want to transform into a TinyMCE editor. You can change the name by editing the 'editor_selector' param in the controller code options. :class => "mceEditor" Lastly, add the following line(s) to the element of your application view: <%= include_tiny_mce_if_needed %> Now you're all set! == Configuration There are several ways to configure the plugin to get the desirable effect you're looking for. The following ways can be combined to create complex tiny mce setups === TinyMCE options You can change the theme, order/choice of buttons, selectors Id, plugins, and many more by passing an :options hash to the uses_tiny_mce declaration. The options hash can contain any number of settings available in tiny_mce_options.yml (a copy of the settings available per version). If an option is misspelled, invalid, or deprecated (no longer in TinyMCE), when you go to a page containing your editor, you will receive an Exception, which must be dealt with before continuing. You can read about all these options at http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/documentation.php ==== Example uses_tiny_mce :options => { :theme => 'advanced', :theme_advanced_resizing => true, :theme_advanced_resize_horizontal => false, :plugins => %w{ table fullscreen } } === Filter options If, like most applications, you only need the editor on the new, create, edit, and update pages, then tell the uses_tiny_mce declaration this, so it doesn't load up all the files unnecessarily. The declaration accepts any number of default parameters a normal controller filter would. ==== Example uses_tiny_mce :only => [:new, :create, :edit, :update] == Methods TinyMCE has a range of convenience methods for loading TinyMCE. Besides the uses_tiny_mce shown above, they include: using_tiny_mce? Check whether the uses_tiny_mce declaration has been made in the current controller tiny_mce_init / tiny_mce Creates a string of javascript formed from the options declared to uses_tiny_mce (executes whether uses_tiny_mce was declared or not) tiny_mce_init_if_needed / tiny_mce_if_needed Creates a string of javascript formed from the options declared to uses_tiny_mce (executes only when uses_tiny_mce has been declared) include_tiny_mce_js / javascript_include_tiny_mce Includes the TinyMCE core javascript file, must be declared before tiny_mce_init (executes whether uses_tiny_mce was declared or not) include_tiny_mce_js_if_needed / javascript_include_tiny_mce_if_used Includes the TinyMCE core javascript file, must be declared before tiny_mce_init (executes only when uses_tiny_mce has been declared) include_tiny_mce_if_needed Includes the TinyMCE core javascript file, and creates a string of javascript formed from the options declared to uses_tiny_mce (executes only when uses_tiny_mce has been declared) (note: When you see "example1 / example2", the last is an alias of the first (for backward compatibility) ) = Credits This plugin was created by Blake Watters This plugin is currently maintained by Kieran Pilkington Bundled TinyMCE version: