module Ym4r module GmPlugin #The module where all the Ruby-to-JavaScript conversion takes place. It is included by all the classes in the YM4R library. module MappingObject #The name of the variable in JavaScript space. attr_reader :variable #Creates javascript code for missing methods + takes care of listeners def method_missing(name,*args) str_name = name.to_s if str_name =~ /^on_(.*)/ if args.length != 1 raise ArgumentError("Only 1 argument is allowed on on_ methods"); else"GEvent.addListener(#{to_javascript},\"#{MappingObject.javascriptify_method($1)}\",#{args[0]})") end else args.collect! do |arg| MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(arg) end"#{to_javascript}.#{MappingObject.javascriptify_method(str_name)}(#{args.join(",")})") end end #Creates javascript code for array or hash indexing def [](index) #index could be an integer or string return"#{to_javascript}[#{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(index)}]") end #Transforms a Ruby object into a JavaScript string : MAppingObject, String, Array, Hash and general case (using to_s) def self.javascriptify_variable(arg) if arg.is_a?(MappingObject) arg.to_javascript elsif arg.is_a?(String) "\"#{MappingObject.escape_javascript(arg)}\"" elsif arg.is_a?(Array) "[" + arg.collect{ |a| MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(a)}.join(",") + "]" elsif arg.is_a?(Hash) "{" + arg.to_a.collect do |v| "#{MappingObject.javascriptify_method(v[0].to_s)} : #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(v[1])}" end.join(",") + "}" elsif arg.nil? "undefined" else arg.to_s end end #Escape string to be used in JavaScript. Lifted from rails. def self.escape_javascript(javascript) javascript.gsub(/\r\n|\n|\r/, "\\n").gsub("\"") { |m| "\\#{m}" } end #Transform a ruby-type method name (like add_overlay) to a JavaScript-style one (like addOverlay). def self.javascriptify_method(method_name) method_name.gsub(/_(\w)/){|s| $1.upcase} end #Declares a Mapping Object bound to a JavaScript variable of name +variable+. def declare(variable) @variable = variable "var #{@variable} = #{create};" end #declare with a random variable name def declare_random(init,size = 8) s = init.clone 6.times { s << (i = Kernel.rand(62); i += ((i < 10) ? 48 : ((i < 36) ? 55 : 61 ))).chr } declare(s) end #Checks if the MappinObject has been declared def declared? !@variable.nil? end #Binds a Mapping object to a previously declared JavaScript variable of name +variable+. def assign_to(variable) @variable = variable "#{@variable} = #{create};" end #Assign the +value+ to the +property+ of the MappingObject def set_property(property, value) "#{to_javascript}.#{MappingObject.javascriptify_method(property.to_s)} = #{MappingObject.javascriptify_variable(value)}" end #Returns the code to get a +property+ from the MappingObject def get_property(property)"#{to_javascript}.#{MappingObject.javascriptify_method(property.to_s)}") end #Returns a Javascript code representing the object def to_javascript unless @variable.nil? @variable else create end end #Creates a Mapping Object in JavaScript. #To be implemented by subclasses if needed def create end end #Used to bind a ruby variable to an already existing JavaScript one. It doesn't have to be a variable in the sense "var variable" but it can be any valid JavaScript expression that has a value. class Variable include MappingObject def initialize(variable) @variable = variable end #Returns the javascript expression contained in the object. def create @variable end #Returns the expression inside the Variable followed by a ";" def to_s @variable + ";" end UNDEFINED ="undefined") end end end