= Plugin Changelog

== Version (2008-10-10)
* Updated documentation
* Bug fixes to tiny_mce helper methods (thanks remvee)
* Fixed tests to work with the latest changes (thanks remvee)

== Version (2008-10-04)
* Updated TinyMCE to
* Formated README file with RDoc syntax for easier reading on Github
* Added separate TinyMCE changelog (starting from 3.0 alphas through to now)
* Rake task refactored (now uses cp_r instead of custom method), and new update task
* Edited TinyMCE helper methods (single "include_tiny_mce_if_needed" method includes Javascript and initializes TinyMCE)
* Updated TinyMCE configuration options file (tiny_mce_options.yml)

== Version (2008-07-02)
* Updated TinyMCE
* Replaced old documentation with readme file containing link to online documentation