class Capistrano::Configuration ## # Print an informative message with asterisks. def inform(message) puts "#{'*' * (message.length + 4)}" puts "* #{message} *" puts "#{'*' * (message.length + 4)}" end ## # Read a file and evaluate it as an ERB template. # Path is relative to this file's directory. def render_erb_template(filename) template = result = end ## # Run a command and return the result as a string. # # TODO May not work properly on multiple servers. def run_and_return(cmd) output = [] run cmd do |ch, st, data| output << data end return output.to_s end end ## # Custom installation tasks for CentOS (RailsMachine). # # Author: Geoffrey Grosenbach # November 2007 namespace :peepcode do desc "Copy config files" task :copy_config_files do run "cp #{shared_path}/config/* #{release_path}/config/" end after "deploy:update_code", "peepcode:copy_config_files" desc "Generate spin script from variables" task :generate_spin_script, :roles => :app do result = render_erb_template(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/templates/spin.erb") put result, "#{release_path}/script/spin", :mode => 0755 end after "deploy:update_code", "peepcode:generate_spin_script" desc "Create shared/config directory and default database.yml." task :create_shared_config do run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/config" # Copy database.yml if it doesn't exist. result = run_and_return "ls #{shared_path}/config" unless result.match(/database\.yml/) contents = render_erb_template(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/templates/database.yml") put contents, "#{shared_path}/config/database.yml" inform "Please edit database.yml in the shared directory." end end after "deploy:setup", "peepcode:create_shared_config" namespace :setup do desc "Setup Nginx vhost config" task :nginx_vhost, :roles => :app do result = render_erb_template(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/templates/nginx.vhost.conf.erb") put result, "/tmp/nginx.vhost.conf" sudo "mkdir -p /usr/local/nginx/conf/vhosts" sudo "cp /tmp/nginx.vhost.conf /usr/local/nginx/conf/vhosts/#{application}.conf" inform "You must edit nginx.conf to include the vhost config file." end end namespace :install do desc "Install server software" task :default do setup # TODO # * Uninstall httpd: chkconfig --del httpd git nginx memcached munin httperf emacs tree special_gems set_time_to_utc end task :setup do sudo "rm -rf src" run "mkdir -p src" end desc "Install git" task :git do curl cmd = [ "cd src", "wget", "tar xfz git-", "cd git-", "make prefix=/usr/local all", "sudo make prefix=/usr/local install" ].join(" && ") run cmd end desc "Install curl" task :curl do sudo "yum install curl curl-devel -y" end desc "Install nginx" task :nginx do result = + "/templates/") put result, "src/" cmd = [ "cd src", "sudo sh", "wget" ].join(" && ") run cmd end desc "Install memcached" task :memcached do # TODO Needs to run ldconfig after libevent is installed run "echo '/usr/local/lib' > ~/src/memcached-i386.conf" sudo "mv ~/src/memcached-i386.conf /etc/" sudo "/sbin/ldconfig" result = + "/templates/") put result, "src/" cmd = [ "cd src", "sudo sh" ].join(" && ") run cmd end desc "Install emacs" task :emacs do sudo "yum install emacs -y" end desc "Install gems needed by PeepCode" task :special_gems do # TODO hpricot %w(libxml-ruby gruff sparklines ar_mailer bong production_log_analyzer).each do |gemname| sudo "gem install #{gemname} -y" end end desc "Install munin" task :munin do sudo "rpm -Uhv" sudo "yum install munin munin-node -y" post_munin munin_plugins end desc "Post-Munin Tasks" task :post_munin do cmds = [ "rm -rf /var/www/munin", "mkdir -p /var/www/html/munin", "chown munin:munin /var/www/html/munin", "/sbin/service munin-node restart" ] cmds.each do |cmd| sudo cmd end inform "You must link /var/www/html/munin to a web-accessible location." end desc "Upload and configure desired plugins for munin." task :munin_plugins do # Reset sudo "rm -f /etc/munin/plugins/*" # Upload put + "/templates/memcached_"), "/tmp/memcached_" sudo "cp /tmp/memcached_ /usr/share/munin/plugins/memcached_" sudo "chmod 755 /usr/share/munin/plugins/memcached_" # Configure { "cpu" => "cpu", "df" => "df", "fw_packets" => "fw_packets", "if_eth0" => "if_", "if_eth1" => "if_", "load" => "load", "memcached_bytes" => "memcached_", "memcached_counters" => "memcached_", "memcached_rates" => "memcached_", "memory" => "memory", "mysql_bytes" => "mysql_bytes", "mysql_queries" => "mysql_queries", "mysql_slowqueries" => "mysql_slowqueries", "mysql_threads" => "mysql_threads", "netstat" => "netstat", "" => "ping_", "" => "ping_", "" => "ping_", "" => "ping_", "" => "ping_", "" => "ping_", "processes" => "processes", "swap" => "swap", "users" => "users", }.each do |name, source| sudo "ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/#{source} /etc/munin/plugins/#{name}" end sudo "/sbin/service munin-node restart" sudo "-u munin munin-cron" inform "You must may need to run: sudo cpan Cache::Memcached" end desc "Install httperf" task :httperf do cmd = [ "cd src", "wget", "tar xfz httperf-0.9.0.tar.gz", "cd httperf-0.9.0", "./configure --prefix=/usr/local", "make", "sudo make install" ].join(' && ') run cmd end desc "Install command-line directory lister" task :tree do cmd = [ "cd src", "wget", "tar xfz tree-", "cd tree-", "make", "sudo make install" ].join(' && ') run cmd end desc "Set time to UTC" task :set_time_to_utc do sudo "ln -nfs /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime" end desc "Install newer version of make" task :make do cmd = [ "cd src", "wget", "tar xfz make-3.81.tar.gz", "cd make-3.81", "./configure --prefix=/usr/local", "make", "sudo make install" ].join(" && ") run cmd end desc "Install beanstalk in-memory queue" task :beanstalk do # TODO Bail unless make 3.81 is installed cmd = [ "cd src", "git clone", "cd beanstalkd", "/usr/local/bin/make" ].join(" && ") # TODO Install it somewhere run cmd end end end