require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' # Be sure to include AuthenticatedTestHelper in spec/spec_helper.rb instead. # Then, you can remove it from this and the functional test. include AuthenticatedTestHelper describe <%= class_name %> do fixtures :<%= table_name %> describe 'being created' do before do @<%= file_name %> = nil @creating_<%= file_name %> = lambda do @<%= file_name %> = create_<%= file_name %> violated "#{@<%= file_name %>.errors.full_messages.to_sentence}" if @<%= file_name %>.new_record? end end it 'increments User#count' do @creating_<%= file_name %>.should change(<%= class_name %>, :count).by(1) end <% if options[:include_activation] %> it 'initializes #activation_code' do @creating_<%= file_name %>.call @<%= file_name %>.reload @<%= file_name %>.activation_code.should_not be_nil end <% end %><% if options[:stateful] %> it 'starts in pending state' do @creating_<%= file_name %>.call @<%= file_name %>.reload @<%= file_name %>.should be_pending end <% end %> end it 'requires login' do lambda do u = create_<%= file_name %>(:login => nil) u.errors.on(:login).should_not be_nil end.should_not change(<%= class_name %>, :count) end it 'requires password' do lambda do u = create_<%= file_name %>(:password => nil) u.errors.on(:password).should_not be_nil end.should_not change(<%= class_name %>, :count) end it 'requires password confirmation' do lambda do u = create_<%= file_name %>(:password_confirmation => nil) u.errors.on(:password_confirmation).should_not be_nil end.should_not change(<%= class_name %>, :count) end it 'requires email' do lambda do u = create_<%= file_name %>(:email => nil) u.errors.on(:email).should_not be_nil end.should_not change(<%= class_name %>, :count) end it 'resets password' do <%= table_name %>(:quentin).update_attributes(:password => 'new password', :password_confirmation => 'new password') <%= class_name %>.authenticate('quentin', 'new password').should == <%= table_name %>(:quentin) end it 'does not rehash password' do <%= table_name %>(:quentin).update_attributes(:login => 'quentin2') <%= class_name %>.authenticate('quentin2', 'test').should == <%= table_name %>(:quentin) end it 'authenticates <%= file_name %>' do <%= class_name %>.authenticate('quentin', 'test').should == <%= table_name %>(:quentin) end it 'sets remember token' do <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_me <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_token.should_not be_nil <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_token_expires_at.should_not be_nil end it 'unsets remember token' do <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_me <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_token.should_not be_nil <%= table_name %>(:quentin).forget_me <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_token.should be_nil end it 'remembers me for one week' do before = 1.week.from_now.utc <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_me_for 1.week after = 1.week.from_now.utc <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_token.should_not be_nil <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_token_expires_at.should_not be_nil <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_token_expires_at.between?(before, after).should be_true end it 'remembers me until one week' do time = 1.week.from_now.utc <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_me_until time <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_token.should_not be_nil <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_token_expires_at.should_not be_nil <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_token_expires_at.should == time end it 'remembers me default two weeks' do before = 2.weeks.from_now.utc <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_me after = 2.weeks.from_now.utc <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_token.should_not be_nil <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_token_expires_at.should_not be_nil <%= table_name %>(:quentin).remember_token_expires_at.between?(before, after).should be_true end <% if options[:stateful] %> it 'registers passive <%= file_name %>' do <%= file_name %> = create_<%= file_name %>(:password => nil, :password_confirmation => nil) <%= file_name %>.should be_passive <%= file_name %>.update_attributes(:password => 'new password', :password_confirmation => 'new password') <%= file_name %>.register! <%= file_name %>.should be_pending end it 'suspends <%= file_name %>' do <%= table_name %>(:quentin).suspend! <%= table_name %>(:quentin).should be_suspended end it 'does not authenticate suspended <%= file_name %>' do <%= table_name %>(:quentin).suspend! <%= class_name %>.authenticate('quentin', 'test').should_not == <%= table_name %>(:quentin) end it 'deletes <%= file_name %>' do <%= table_name %>(:quentin).deleted_at.should be_nil <%= table_name %>(:quentin).delete! <%= table_name %>(:quentin).deleted_at.should_not be_nil <%= table_name %>(:quentin).should be_deleted end describe "being unsuspended" do fixtures :<%= table_name %> before do @<%= file_name %> = <%= table_name %>(:quentin) @<%= file_name %>.suspend! end it 'reverts to active state' do @<%= file_name %>.unsuspend! @<%= file_name %>.should be_active end it 'reverts to passive state if activation_code and activated_at are nil' do <%= class_name %>.update_all :activation_code => nil, :activated_at => nil @<%= file_name %>.reload.unsuspend! @<%= file_name %>.should be_passive end it 'reverts to pending state if activation_code is set and activated_at is nil' do <%= class_name %>.update_all :activation_code => 'foo-bar', :activated_at => nil @<%= file_name %>.reload.unsuspend! @<%= file_name %>.should be_pending end end <% end %> protected def create_<%= file_name %>(options = {}) record = <%= class_name %>.new({ :login => 'quire', :email => '', :password => 'quire', :password_confirmation => 'quire' }.merge(options)) record.<% if options[:stateful] %>register! if record.valid?<% else %>save<% end %> record end end